FM Evaluation Medical Services

  • Has Your Patient or Client been in an Accident?

  • Do They Need an EMC Evaluation?

An EMERGENCY MEDICAL CONDITION, or EMC, is use to decide which car accident victims have injuries that cause functional loss and may result in permanent disability or impairment.

As of January 1, 2013, the laws regarding car accidents in Florida have changed. Accident victims should immediately see a qualified medical professional to determine and document the extent of the injury to patients. Documentation is important for protecting patients and insurance benefits.

FM Evaluation Medical Services is dedicated to properly and fully document all of your automobile related injuries in accordance with Florida’s new rules and regulations

  • You CANNOT get an EMC from your Chiropractor or Physical Therapist
  • You CANNOT get an EMC from your lawyer
  • ER visit does not guarantee that you were properly evaluated for an EMC

Not every visit to an EMC CLINIC results in receiving an EMC status. There must be functional loss that may result in serious injuries or dysfunction.

Schedule an appointment within 14 days of your accident. We accommodate patients who had older accidents, but you must consult with your attorney to see how this delay affects your case.

If you are not evaluated for an EMC, or if you do not receive an EMC status after medical examination, generally your personal injury protection (PIP) coverage is limited to $2,500 instead of $10,000. Consult your attorney for details about what this means and how this will affect your accident cases.