Urgent Care St. Augustine Frequently Asked Questions
What age range of patients does FM Medical Center treat?
We at Urgent Care St. Augustine treat anyone greater than 2 months old. We see patients of all age groups, from infants to the elderly.
What kinds of patients does Urgent Care St. Augustine see in our practice?
In addition to seeing patients of all ages, we welcome patients from all ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds.
Are you accepting new patients?
Urgent Care St. Augustine is accepting new patients at the current time. Please call our office to set up an initial appointment.
Do you have same day appointments?
Yes, we do. These are usually reserved for patients who have an acute illness. Additionally, our Urgent Care is open 365 days per year and has extended hours. Please refer to your insurance plan for Urgent Care St. Augustine benefits. For less urgent needs, please schedule your visit ahead of time.
Scheduling and Cancellation Policies
Please refer to the Office Policies section of this website.
What forms do I need for my first visit to your office?
Urgent Care St. Augustine Requests that you have a list of your present medications, your past medical history including surgical interventions and recent hospitalizations, immunization records, and your insurance card. You will be asked to fill out a patient history form upon your arrival. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your first visit to complete the paperwork. If you would like to complete the patient history form prior to your first visit, please call our office or download it by clicking here.
Is there a doctor available 24 hours a day?
If you have an immediate medical need, you may call our Urgent Care St. Augustine office at any time. Calls placed after normal office hours will be directed to a nurse advisor. The on-call physician will be contacted as needed. You will be given advice regarding the best course of action, which may include a visit to an emergency room or an urgent care clinic for more extensive evaluation.
How does Urgent Care St. Augustine handle prescription refills?
Prescription refills are typically taken care of on the day we receive the refill request from your pharmacy. To avoid running out of medication, we suggest you contact your pharmacy for refills when you have 7 days of medication remaining. In most cases, we can renew medications without a new visit if you have been seen for this problem within the past year. The provider may, however, request that you be seen more frequently to allow for proper evaluation and documentation of your condition and your response to the medication. We will not refill prescriptions for narcotic medications without being seen. We will not prescribe antibiotics over the phone either, you must be seen by a provider.
How do I obtain test results?
Lab and radiology results from Urgent Care St. Augustine are usually available within 2-10 business days. Some tests like biopsy results may take longer. It is our office policy to contact you by phone or by mail with your test results. While some places say “No news is good news” we worry that sometimes no news could mean that the letter was lost in the mail or the phone message was erased. For this reason, if you don’t hear from us about your test results within 3 weeks of having the test done, please contact our office so we can track down your results and get them to you.
What if I have a question about my health?
Please contact Urgent Care St. Augustine through our secure web messaging system or call our office and the staff will take a message. Non-urgent messages will be relayed to your provider. Expect to receive a reply within 1-3 days unless your doctor is out of town. For urgent issues, your provider (or someone else if your provider is not available) will usually be able to get back to you on the same day either between patient visits or at the end of the day. Replies to messages may be relayed to our staff who will call you with the details.
What insurance plans does Urgent Care St. Augustine accept?
We accept most major insurances (click here to see a complete list). If you have any questions about your insurance, please feel free to contact our office. Payment for insurance co-pays is expected at the time of service. We accept cash, checks and major credit cards.
Do you have a lab or X-ray in your office?
We provide some lab testing in our office including tests for pregnancy, blood sugar, urinary tract infections, Influenza and Strep throat. Most testing is done at nearby LabCorp, Quest, or Saint Johns Biomedical labs all of which are within a few blocks of our office. We perform X-rays at our Urgent Care locations and can order X-rays at out patient imaging centers which are within a short drive of our office.
Will I be able to see my doctor?
For non-urgent issues, you can schedule an appointment to see your doctor. If your doctor does not have any free appointments and you would prefer to see someone else sooner, we have a large group of providers to meet your needs.
Do you have a doctor who speaks my language?
All of our doctors speak English as their first language. Upon request, we have access to translation services.
How do I have my records transferred?
If you will be coming to our practice as a new patient, it is often useful to get us a copy of your recent medical records from your last doctor(s). To get a copy of your medical record sent to us, please complete the “Request for Transfer of Medical Records to FM Medical” form available here and mail this form to your last doctor’s office. Depending on the doctor’s office, we will typically receive your records within a few days to three weeks time. You may want to contact our office 1-2 weeks after mailing the form to see if we have received your records. If not, it may be necessary for you to send another copy of the form or to call your last doctor’s office to ensure a copy of your records will be sent promptly.
Learn More About St. Augustine Here
Our Forms And Services
1. FM Medical Forms 2. FM Office Policies 3. FAQ 4. Patients’ Rights 5. Insurances 6. Pre-Visit Forms 7. Urgent Care Insurance Plans & Information 8. Illness 9. Injury 10. Pediatrics 11. Immunizations And Vaccinations 12. Physicals 13. Back Pains 14. Vision Mission Values 15. Health & Wellness 16. Why Choose Us